What are Deepfake images?  Deepfakes are photos, videos, or audio clips that are modified using artificial intelligence to make them look authentic. In simple words, deepfakes are wholly artificial images created by an AI. Researchers have raised questions about their authenticity and say that these images can be misleading as they are completely false.  Deepfakes first came into the news in 2017 when a Reddit user named “DeepFakes” published explicit videos of celebrities on the platform. To do so, deep learning techniques were used to create real-looking fake photos of these celebs where he put celebs faces into adult movies. Also Read: How to See Who Visited My Facebook Profile 2021? Scientists working on the software will study image fingerprints as unique patterns left on images that will prove beneficial in figuring out the “generative model” that the image came from. In the blogpost, scientists said, “Our method will facilitate deepfake detection and tracing in real-world settings, where the deepfake image itself is often the only information detectors have to work with. This work will give researchers and practitioners tools to better investigate incidents of coordinated disinformation using deepfakes, as well as open up new directions for future research.” Why are deepfakes dangerous? Facebook deepfake images are deemed unethical by U.S. Défense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as they question the very authenticity of the source of origination. They are considered harmful as cyber thieves often use them to create fake and conduct fraud online. They are also used to spread wrong information to lure customers to divulge private information.  Also Read: Will Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Banned in India? Stay tuned to learn more about Facebook deepfake images. You can also sign in for our newsletter to receive the latest technology news in your mailbox. 

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