You can also have a normal profile but allow anyone to Snapchat you or see your story. There is also an option to have a public account which allows anyone to see information about your account, snap you, and even watch your story.
Can Someone See That I Viewed Their Snapchat Story If We Are Not Friends?
If you’re not friends with someone on Snapchat and you view their story, they will be able to see that you viewed their story. Snapchat provides every story with a list of people who viewed it and even if you’re not friends with someone, your name will still come up on the list. There’s a section on the list called other Snapchatters and this is a list of people that aren’t friends with the creator and your name will be on there.
Can You See Who Views Your Public Profile on Snapchat
If you have a public profile on Snapchat, meaning anyone can view your information such as your stories and your snap score, you will not be able to see who views your public profile. While you will be able to learn about who is watching your story and who is actually snapchatting you, there is no way to tell if someone has merely just viewed your profile, they have to actually interact with you for you to be able to see them.
Can You See Who Views Your Public Profile Highlights on Snapchat
If you decide to add highlights to your public profile on Snapchat, you will be able to see who is viewing said highlights as they act similarly to a story. Both stories and highlights get posted to your account for a set time and people have to choose to interact with both. Since a highlight acts just like a story, same as with any story you post, you can see who is viewing your highlights as well.
Can You See Who Viewed Your Snapchat Stories If They Haven’t Added You?
If you have a public profile and people are viewing your stories that you have not added or have not added you, you can still see that they are viewing your story.
- Click on the story you have posted in the top left corner of your screen when you open up Snapchat.
- Tap on your story and then scroll up to see everyone who has viewed it. You will see every profile that has watched your story, regardless if you guys are friends or not. Additionally, having a public profile also allows you to see even more information about your story viewers, such as the breakdown of what genders are viewing your stories, as well as what age groups. When checking viewers, you will also be able to tell if any profiles have screenshotted your story and if any have, you will be able to tell which profile did so.
Can Someone See You Viewed Their Story If Their Snapchat Profile is Public
Just like you can tell if someone has viewed your public stories, if you view a public story, that user can see that you viewed it. The account of the story that you are watching will also be able to see if you screenshotted their story for any reason as well.
How Can Someone See My Snapchat Story If We’re Not Friends
1. They’ll See Other Snapchatters in Story Views
If you are not friends with someone and they are viewing your profile, it is because you have a public profile which allows anyone to watch your story. You will appear on their Stories feed in the Subscriptions or Discover area. If you are in the Subscription area, this means they subscribed to your account so they will easily be able to find and see anything you post.
2. If You Reply to The Story
Someone will also be able to see your story if you reply to the story. Since you are a public profile, other accounts will be able to easily interact with your story without being your friend due to this public setting.
How to See Who Views your Public Snapchat Profile
It is very easy to be able to see what accounts are viewing your public profile.
- Click on the story you have posted in the top left corner of your screen when you open up Snapchat.
- Tap on your story and then scroll up to see everyone who has viewed it. You will see every profile that has watched your story, regardless if you guys are friends or not. The names will appear that their account is under, not their usernames, as well as their bitmojis so you can get an idea at what demographics are viewing your story through their bitmojis.
Check Story Views for Other Snapchatters
When going through the people who have viewed your story, you can see if other snapchatters are viewing your story who are public as well. When met with the list of people who have watched your story, looking through the users will give you a good indication of whether or not it is mainly your friends who are watching you or other accounts that you are not friends with. If the people you see who have viewed it are familiar names who you snapchat, this means mainly your friends are watching your public story. However, if their names are unfamiliar and users you have never snapchatted, this is a good indication that random accounts you are not friends with make up the majority of your public story viewers.
If Anyone Replies to The Story that Hasn’t Added You
Since you are a public account on Snapchat, this means that anyone you Snapchat you as well as view your story. So, people you are not friends with will be able to reply to your story. If they reply directly to your story, you will see a message bubble saying New Chat in your chat box. However, they can also respond to your story with a picture or a video instead of a chat. If this is the case, you will see a red message bubble instead in your chat feed saying New Snap. You can also disable this feature so that anyone can see your story, but they have to be friends with you to respond. To start:
- Open up the Snapchat app.
- Click on your profile in the top left corner.
- Tap on the Settings icon in the top right corner.
- Scroll down until you see Privacy Controls.
- Once there, tap on Contact Me. Everyone will currently have a blue check mark next to it. Select My Friends so the blue check mark appears there instead and now only your friends can respond to your story.
How to Change Story Visibility to Friends
If you want to keep your public profile but only want your story to be visible to your friends on Snapchat, you can easily change this in your settings. To start:
- Open up the Snapchat app.
- Click on your profile in the top left corner.
- Tap on the Settings icon in the top right corner.
- Scroll down until you see Privacy Controls.
- Once there, tap on View My Story. Right now, everyone will be selected.
- Click on My Friends so there is a blue check mark next to my Friends. Once you have completed this, you will still have a public account so anyone can find your profile and see some information about you, but your story will only be visible to your friends on the app.
How to Turn Public Profile Back to Normal Profile
If you currently have a public profile and want to change it back so that you have a normal profile, meaning the only people who can view any aspect of your profile including your snap score and other information, you just have to follow a few easy steps. However, you need to have originally started with a normal Snapchat account to keep your account. If you started with a public account, when you follow these steps your account will be deleted all together and you will need to make a normal account.
- Open up the Snapchat app.
- Click on your profile in the top left corner.
- Go to My Public Profile from your profile.
- Scroll until to see Settings and tap on that.
- Then select Delete Public Profile. You will now be left with just your normal account, or if you never had a normal account, have to create one to start again.
Can Someone See You Viewed their Snapchat Story If You Block them?
If you accidentally watch someone’s story you shouldn’t have been, and you block them, they’ll still be able to see that you viewed their story. Once your name comes up on the list for viewing the story, it’s there permanently regardless of what you do. This can involve blocking them, deleting your account, changing your name – as soon as you’ve viewed their story, your username doesn’t come off the list.