According to the International clinical trials, COVID steroids treatment for the coronavirus can prove beneficial when given to severely ill patients suffering from Covid-19 to increase their survival chance. The World Health Organisation has published guidance for clinicians and health care decision-makers pertaining to the use of corticosteroids in treatment for coronavirus. The report clearly states that the role of corticosteroids is only potent when administered to severely ill patients. WHO advises clinicians and health care officials to strictly avoid the use of corticosteroids in the treatment of patients with non-severe COVID-19 symptoms as the treatment has not resulted in any benefits, and instead can prove to be harmful. Also Read: Fitbit Advises Users To Look for Heart Rate: You Could Have COVID

Role of Corticosteroids

Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, and Methylprednisolone are being commonly known as COVID steroids. This steroid has been in use for decades for the treatment of serious ailments like Acute Respiratory Syndrome Disease, skin problems, as well as for other medical conditions requiring suppression of the immune system.  After having lost hundreds of thousands of lives to the dreadful COVID-19 Dexamethasone was rediscovered as a panacea for saving severely Coronavirus patients admitted in ICUs. Till about three months back, doctors all over the world were struggling to save patients from COVID caused “cytokine storm” which was leading to serious inflammatory disorder in the lungs. It was first tried by the doctors in UK, who found that at a certain dose, Dexamethasone reduces inflammation in the lungs and could lead to revival of patients on ventilation. NEGM was the first to publish that this old, economical and freely available drug could result in to saving precious lives. The role of Corticosteroids is to reduce cytokine storm and inflammation in the lungs.  It is being considered as the most dependable companion of COVID specialist in their pursuit to fight the pandemic. Related Article: Sputnik V: World’s First COVID 19 Vaccine And Its Space Connection COVID vaccine clinical trials conducted by researchers in Britain, Canada, China, Spain, France, Brazil, and the United States had the same findings. These show that the drugs were beneficial in the sickest patients regardless of age or sex or how long patients had been ill, thus hinting towards the efficacy and safety of Corticosteroids in COVID-19.

Efficacy and Safety of Corticosteroids in COVID-19

Corticosteroids have been in use for several years and the role and safety of Corticosteroids in COVID-19 is beyond doubt. To check the efficacy and safety of Corticosteroids in COVID-19, patients admitted in the intensive care unit were injected with low doses of COVID steroids. After the administration, it was found that the steroids helped in improving the survival rates of COVID-19 patients. Stay tuned for latest updates and information on COVID-19. Our researchers are working round the clock to present you with the recent developments in the science & technology.

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