WhatsApp has been reportedly working on the self-destructing messages feature for a while now. However, there are no confirmed reports as to when the feature will be made available to all its users. Messaging platforms such as Signal and Telegram already offer similar features of self- destructing messages. However, WhatsApp seems to have delayed the provision of disappearing messages option to users. A recent beta upgrade included an advanced version of the Whatsapp self-destructing messages. Whatsapp is constantly working on new features for its Android and iOS users. In the recent past, WhatsApp had rolled out new group privacy settings and call waiting support for its iOS app. A fingerprint lock was also launched for its Android app. Although WhatsApp already offers a ‘delete for everyone’ option for the messages for a certain time period, the other person knows that the sender deleted a message. The app displays a message ‘This message was deleted’ whenever a user opts to delete a particular message on a group chat or a personal chat. Also Read: Whatsapp Tries Bragging about Attachment Limits; Gets Mocked by Telegram Unlike the current feature, the new feature will finally allow WhatsApp users to delete messages like it never existed in the first place. It will not leave any traces behind. On the flip side, all messages within the selected chat will be automatically deleted after the stipulated time unless the feature’s toggle button is switched off. WhatsApp will offer the option to select time intervals after which the messages will automatically be deleted like they never existed. The time interval options will include an hour time period, a day, a week, a month or a year. For instance, if a user opts for a day in one of his one-to-one or group chat then messages sent from the above chat will automatically disappear after 24 hours.

WhatsApp Self Destructing Messages In the Pipeline - 37WhatsApp Self Destructing Messages In the Pipeline - 76WhatsApp Self Destructing Messages In the Pipeline - 22WhatsApp Self Destructing Messages In the Pipeline - 44WhatsApp Self Destructing Messages In the Pipeline - 34